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Working With Me


I am always looking to work with enthusiastic students! I particularly encourage students from any of the underrepresented groups in CS to talk to me about potential projects. I look for students who demonstrate commitment, creativity, communication skills, and courage to learn something new.

Steps you need to take:

  1. Send me an email to set up a time to discuss your research interests, career goals, commitment to the lab (both in terms of hours per week and semesters until you graduate). When contacting me via email for the first time, to show that you have read this page, please include the word "courage" in your email subject line.

  2. Before you can begin research in my lab, you will need to complete one of the following new student challenges and discuss it with me:

    • New Graduate Researcher Challenge​​

    • New Undergraduate Researcher Challenge

    • New Undergraduate Developer Challenge​

You must also meet the following expectations:

  1. Commit at least 9 hours per week to your research work (similar to how you would treat any other 3-credit course)

  2. Attend weekly progress meetings to keep me up to date.

  3. Strive to have submitted a publication by the end of 2-3 semesters.

My goal is to help you succeed as a researcher, and the above are concrete steps to help you get there.


Is the position paid?

Most likely, you will be doing independent study at the start (1-2 semesters) unless you are participating through a research program.

Does research happen all the time?

Yes, research does not stop in the summer! Most faculty are supposed to spend the majority of their time performing research - and a lot of this gets done during the summer. If you're busy during the fall/spring semesters, please check back in the summer!

What's in it for me?

Many undergraduate students have published peer-reviewed papers and/or presented at regional and national conferences. I want to help you succeed here and in the future!

Work With Me: List

My Resume

Work With Me: Text
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